AZULUNA ECOLODGE…. a model of Social Justice!!
Why we say “social justice” and not social responsibility?
It is important for us, who have initiated a business entrepreneurship in spaces where we were not born or have not lived since young ages, to thank, and look for ways to reward local people for their generosity, kindness and care given everyday… other words: for opening their communities and share with us their social-natural environment.
The fact that some people in our society were not able to achieve a good economic situation, the fact that some people were not able to have access to education, etc., and that they are forced to sell their labor power, that does not make them inferiors; it is just the result of the social-historical structures which have created these differences.
For this and other social justice reasons, we do not have to please ourselves just creating some jobs; we have to find ways of social and supportive economy which will benefit local development as assuming certain community responsibilities, regarding to improve living conditions for locals who share the same space where we have created our business entrepreneurships.
That is why, as a social audit, Azuluna Ecolodge working together with Reto Internacional Foundation and different international organizations such as secondary schools and universities, shares with you some of the community projects we are involved with:
Direct Beneficiary
Construction of a classroom for kids with disabilities
15 boys/girls. Puerto López County
Construction of a classroom
75 students. 12 de Octubre School – 12 de Octubre Neighborhood
Donation of two water pumps
Kindergartens: Mi Bebé-Los 2 Ríos and Chiquititos-Puerto López
Donation of school backpacks
200 students. Las Tunas Community
Donation of 25 school desks
13 de Diciembre High School – Las Tunas
Construction of a classroom INFA
30 kids – Las Tunas
Construction of a lifeguard tower
Inhabitants and tourist of 12 de Octubre neighborhood
Maintenance, signs and parasols- El Rocío Trail
Machalilla Community and tourists
Construction of a retaining wall
12 de Octubre School and Community
Donation of 1 water pump
90 kids. Doctor Camilo Gallegos Domínguez School – Puerto Rico Community
Construction of a fence
90 kids. Doctor Camilo Gallegos Domínguez School – Puerto Rico Community
Maintenance and painting of the sea front
Las Tunas Community
Donation and planting native plants
Las Tunas Community
Donation of school desks and whiteboards
Doctor Camilo Gallegos Domínguez School – Puerto Rico Community
Fence around the yard
Machalilla Kindergarten
Renovation of an office
Las Tunas Eco – Club
Renovation manglar trail
Las Tunas Community and tourists
Donation of garbage cans and a water pump
Camilo Gallegos Primary School and Colegio 13 de Diciembre High School
Maintenance of school desks
Escuela Camilo Gallegos y Colegio 13 de Diciembre
Construction of a classroom
12 de Octubre School
Construction of a classroom (first part)
12 de Octubre School
Construction of a cafeteria
13 de Diciembre High School
Painting classrooms
13 de Diciembre High School
Finishing construction of restrooms
Doctor Camilo Gallegos School
Maintenance of school desks
Doctor Camilo Gallegos School
Construction of the waiting area
Public Clinic – Las Tunas Community
Donation of an air-conditioning
Felicísimo López School – Salango Community
Renovation of a classroom floor
12 de Octubre School
Painting and maintenance of some classrooms
Some communities
Renovation of a classroom
Felicísimo López School – Salango Community
Renovation of a classroom
13 de Diciembre High School
Painting a classroom and planting some fruit trees
24 de Mayo School – Ayampe Community
Sponsoring 8 kids (boys and girls) at the school
8 students and families – Las Tunas Community
Azuluna Ecolodge…. a model of socio-environmental management and an example of social justice!
Perla del Pacifico Sur Award for “Best Management Practices in Sustainable Tourism 2011”
Mention of Honor 2012: “Good Practices in Sustainable Tourism and Support to Community”, GAD Puerto López