Located just south of the Machalilla National Park, in the Manabi Province of Ecuador, AZULUNA is a private oceanside retreat offering you the perfect setting for a long rest, away from your normal routine.
Did you know that…

• That about 10% of the payment of your accommodation in Azuluna Eco-Lodge is used to support various development projects in the community of Las Tunas in particular, and,
• That Azuluna Eco-Lodge is supporting the development of the local economy, through fair trade practices, evidenced in:
• Organic coffee served in Azuluna Eco-Lodge is grown and processed by the Coffee Growers Association Agroartesanal-Imbabura Intag River;
•The crafts that are sold in the boutique Azuluna Eco-Lodge, are created by families associated in Rocafuerte-Manabi, and,
• Buying biodegradable cleaning products that are used in Azuluna Eco-Lodge, is what makes a family business micro-Manabi Manta.

Eco-Lodge Azuluna seeks to stimulate and support the development of the local economy in all its practices!
Award “Pearl of the South Pacific” to “Best Management Practices in Sustainable Tourism 2011”